How To Get Out Of Credit Card Debt

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This title of this course is actually somewhat misleading. “How to Get Out of Credit Card Debt” implies that you can only take advantage of these modules if you are already in financial trouble. The truth is 40% of the course actually speaks to both those who are in debt and those who wish to avoid debt to begin with.

It’s hard to see the picture when you are in the frame. So before we ZERO IN on the goals of getting you to a ZERO BALANCE, we have to examine the entities that made financial ruin in the “good ol U.S. of A” an epidemic. Once you realize that most debt is caused by a certain level of emotional immaturity that rears it’s cute head little by little, then grows into it’s big ugly head monthly, you’ll control the head which will cause the body to fall. Now that your mind is right, we can get your money right with the tactical approaches to not only “get out of debt” but “stay out of debt” and keep generations to come from meeting the same fate!

How To Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Another course from Income Shifter Experience, How To Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Let’s get rid of those credit cards by doing more than just taking citing them up. In this course, you’ll learn how to properly eliminate the debt that they create and leverage them at the same time. Through this program you will learn how to:

Course Curriculum

Stop Lending The Banks Free Money 00:13:00
Debt is a Strategic Epidemic 00:00:00
Start By Increasing Your Cash Flow 00:07:00
6 Action Tactics 00:12:00

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  • $19.00

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5 Minute Segment • Stop Leaving Money on the Table from Brian N. Beane on Vimeo.

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