Income Shifter Experience • Part 2 • Generate Income

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For most people, a “cost of living” raise is NOT enough! A “second job” is NOT the answer. Going “back to school” is NOT an option! The good news is changes does not ONLY come from the outside. It’s time to bring it from “WITHIN YOU!”

Generate Business Income

The following are common “letters and numbers” when it comes to finances: 401K, 501C, 1040, W-2, Schedule A, Schedule B, Schedule C, DEFG.  Ok, that may be a stretch, but you get the idea.  A combination of letters and numbers has always been used to describe the financial world, which makes most people think it’s complicated.

The truth is, here is the ONE NUMBER you need to know that they never taught us in school: “1-0-9-9!”  That’s the tax code for “pay me 1st” also known as a business.  Ask yourself a question:  Are most Business Administration, Finance, or Accounting Professors wealthy?

It’s not that they can’t become wealthy.  It’s that they are “teaching it” instead of “practicing it!”  In other words, if most of the wealth in this country is generated by business owners (“1099s”), why are most professors teaching students to get a job (“W2”)?  The answer is because most of them do not own a business themselves.  It’s time to reteach our professors and show them how it’s done…

Generating Business Income takes you from:

  1. The mindset it takes to starting THINKING like an Entrepreneur!
  2. The importance of taking the steps to BECOME an Entrepreneur!
  3. The importance of using the Tax Laws given only to Entrepreneurs!

If increasing your income and ultimately your net worth is important to you, this course gives you’re the springboard necessary to make that financial quantum leap.

Generating Business Income is the 2nd of a 3 Part Series under the Income Shifting Experience!  Also included are:  Cash Flow Creation (Part 1) and Multiplying Your Money (Part 3)!

Course Curriculum

Increasing Your Personal Value Level (P.V.L.)
The Gov’t Has a Secret to Share 00:05:00
The #1 Asset You Should Own 00:19:00
The Entrepreneurs Road to Success 00:10:00
Open A Business
Building & Monitoring Your Net Worth 00:11:00
Why MOST Americans Retire Broke 00:14:00
Why You MUST Become a Bus Owner 00:10:00
The Importance of Excellent Record Keeping
Luck = Opportunity + Preparation 00:10:00
Using the Cash Flow Manager Properly 00:07:00

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5 Minute Segment • Stop Leaving Money on the Table from Brian N. Beane on Vimeo.

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